What a humble & compact clinic!
There were 20 plus of participants came for inaugural Malakoff-UTM Duathlon Clinic 2012 which has been held in Sports Innovation & Technology Centre in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru Campus.
The clinic starts at 9 am with opening introduction by Mrs Aini Zahariah Zakaria, Malakoff Corporate Affair & External Relations Officer. She told the members of the floor about Malakoff Community Service Incentives for Malakof University Duathlon Series in May.
Followed by Introduction to Duathlon and the interesting topic of the day Sports Science Aspect in Duathlon by Mr Mohd Ibrahim Haji Azman a.k.a (MrBlacko), Powerman Malaysia Finisher since 2003. The participants seems electrifying with the input and fresh knowledge about the excitement to become future duathlete.
Ungku Azhar, International Triathlon Union Level 2 Coach, given his talk about skills & technical aspect in duathlon. Followed by Mahdhir "Dale" Mohd, President of Johor Triathlon Association boosted participants psychology with his motivation talk!
After indoor session, the participants exposed with practical session lead by Ungku Azhar, Dale & MrBlacko. The session need participants to learn the running skills& posture for distance run, cycling posture, braking at high speed without skidding, entering & exit the transition area, how to make a U-Turn, maneuvering bike inside transition area, bike mounting & dismounting (gliding & flying) and exciting part was who will be the fastest wearing the helmet.
Later, the participants need to do the simulation of run-bike-run simultaneously under the hot & shiny sunshine at 1pm. The clinic closed by Prof Dr Abdul Hafidz Omar, Director of UTM Sports Innovation & Technology Centre and the group photo as to complete the event.
Thanks you to event main & title sponsor Malakoff Corporation Berhad, Sports Innovation & Technology Centre, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Triathlon Association, Kakithon Multi-sports Club and Mentor Training. Perhaps in the future there were another duathlon clinic will be organized!
The day before |
Mrs Aini from Malakoff given her speech |
Mr Blacko, Powerman Finisher since 2003 in the house! |
Ungku Azhar, ITU Level 2 Coach in the house! |
Dale, President of Johor Triathlon Association in the house |
The event & the venue |
The participants |
Practical session |
Practical session |
Duathlon simulation: Run |
Duathlon simulation: Bike |
Tired but happy faces during Closing Ceremony |
Prof Dr Hafidz (blue shirt), Director of UTM Sports Innovation & Technology Centre in the house! |